72nd Journey
New control of the Estate – Journeys # 72. To Roy Whitson Grandkids.
Doris is now paying the taxes each year. I paid them for several years and Doris is getting the bill and paying them. They were about $5.00 and now are up to about $15.00.
You grandkids that live in Okla are the ones to take control – this includes Mac who has property there and is near Eufaula and familiar with the court house workings. Mac has copies of all the legal records that I have. I have copies of all the records. I sent the original copies by registered mail to Doris some years ago and got confirmation back. I don’t think she has ever found them. Mac has info about the legal workings of the courthouse in McIntosh county. I gave the old bulky abstract to Sandra when she bought the house. We last leased the minerals in 2008 for 3 yrs. That has expired. Mac – if you end up with some or all of the burden – you may need the addresses – emails and phone # of all 5 families. You have all but Raymond Paul – I suspect. He is at 2442 La Grange, in La Grange Calif 95329 phone 209 853 2130 email to his grandson Shawn will be in the list of who I send this to. He will get it to Raymond. You met all of them at the Turlock reunion. Doris gets email thru Sirena and Va gets hers thru Jim.
Many years ago we made some effort to get all of the property into one name. That failed and since we got that $2100 lease – it will be impossible to get it transferred to anyone. I will still give or take $500 for my part if anyone is interested in that kind of a deal. I suspect nobody will want to give up mineral rights for that. We will have to get everyone signed off on the deal. That would be my suggestion. If someone wants to build up there – I will donate may part to that person – and come and stay in the house at times!!!!! Lets figure out who I can turn this over to. Give me your suggestions. Dale