73rd Journey

 “Journeys” to my Grandkids # 73
This is also for Sirena, Suzanne and Don.
Doris was born at home at Fame, Okla. Oct 2 1931. She died at home on Mar 20 2013 at home in Collinsville, Okla. She was 81. She was preceded in death by husband J B “Rick” Rickerson on Jan 29 1997. They were married Mar 10 1928 in Ardmore, Okla. He was 68. And her son-in-law, Suzanne’s husband, Dain Marler died just 28 days before she died, on Feb 22 2013. He was 59. Doris was buried with Rick in Broken Arrow, Okla. Mar 22.

Many many relatives and friends attended the visitation and funeral, Sister Virginia and dau Mary from Calif. Brother Dale, wife Madell and dau Dawn from Tex. Niece Susan Rogers and husband Ken. Nephew Mac Whitson and wife Karen, son Doyle and dau Shari from Tex. Many cousins, Uncle Edgar’s dau Reba and her dau LaDell with 13 of her offspring came from Atlanta, Ga. Uncle Reuben’s dau Lana’s 3 daus Kathrine, Rachel and Kara, dau Sandra and her dau Becky, dau Pamela and her dau Jessica, Uncle Lewis’s dau Carol and her son Jeff Turner. Aunt Etta’s grandson Dave Williams and son Russell’s son Jimmy Self. Aunt Flora’s grand dau Fonda and husband Tom Steiner. These were relatives from Doris’s side of the family. Sirena’s husband Don Sellers had relatives there – among them their son Donnie and wife Hillary and kids April and Aden. Suzanne’s mother-in-law Francis and nephew Jason Patterson and Lauren and godson Justin Kinnaman and Glenda. Rick’s grand niece Beth Thompson and a cousin or two. Other great friends of Doris, Sirena and Suzanne – Larry and Darlene Beal, Bea, Sue, Pat and Gale. I am sure I have missed some relatives and misspelled names. Many good friends of the family from Church and former co workers came. There was around 100 or more in attendance.

John Buffington and Joyce Johnson conducted the funeral. Joyce has a religious band. She sings and writes songs. Sirena’s husband Don plays drums in the band. John plays the steel guitar. We went to hear them on Friday night in a shopping center there. They are really good.
Doris was born in 1931 – in the very heart of the world’s greatest depression. (1929 – 1933). She was the 5th kid in our family. I was nine years old. I have written several “journeys” about our life on the farm in those days. No 2 is about when I was 9 yrs old. We lived on about $7.00 a week for groceries for a family of 7. We produced nearly all of the food we had on the farm. My “journeys” no 2, 6 and 7 gives some details about how we lived. Doris’s life is tied into most all of my journeys since they are about family. About 20 of my “journeys” are on my web site –

WWW.dalewhitson.com – look for “Journeys”.
by Dale Whitson March 2013.
